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28th May - 3th June 2020
Week 7 is a Hari Raya Public Holiday week, hence there will be no tutorial and class happening but we have a submission of proposal writing with a minimum of 500 words. Below are the proposal writing which done my Heidi and I.
Proposal Writing
Group 11: Heidi, Bernice, Lee Ning, Vei Hong
We are students from Taylors University which is taking Community Service Initiative module. Community Service is a form of service learning. Service learning is basically using curriculum to help foster a sense of care and concern among students for their community and the world at large. This module required us to propose a proposal in identifying the problems and issues in the community. We need to propose the ideas and the action plans to help the community that includes problem statements, SWOT analysis, and expected results. This semester we are collaborating with the Cyber Security Malaysia organization.
With the new technology development in many areas, threats have come up concerning the security of information stored in many organizations. Cybersecurity is the protection of systems in the organizations, their data and network in cyberspace. Cybersecurity is a critical issue for many businesses. In a business or any organization, there are different threats associated with their systems, data, and networks. The threats include fake news, cyber crime, cyber war, and cyber terror. Cyber security being a major problem, in many nations around the globe, research needs to be done concerning the possible measures to mitigate the problem.
Our team has chosen fake news as the issue that we are going to target and on the topic of fake news, our team has come up with a proposal using comic digital art with GIF to present our awareness towards the kids community as our target user. What is fake news? Fake news are emails typically arriving in chain letter fashion that often describe impossible events, highly damaging malware or urban legends. Their intent is to frighten and mislead recipients and get them to forward to friends. Perhaps you have already received a message like this: “A virus will set your hard disk on fire.” “Mark Zuckerberg is giving away his money.” “You will only be able to use your messaging service for free in future if you forward this message.” These are all fake news digital chain letters, usually with sensationalist contents that are just bogus messages. You can find out how dangerous fake news is and what you can do about them. In many cases the senders of fake news are playing a prank and exploit the recipients’ gullibility in doing so. The people who forward these messages are assuming that they are doing their fellow users a favour. But by warning friends and relatives about supposed risks and dangers, they only unnerve or annoy them. Why do we choose kids as our target use? Kids are very innocent, they would not know the danger of cyberspace and they could not recognize what is fake and real news.
Moreover, all of the ideas and content not just only will be presented in Comic Digital Art in GIF style, but also with a bright and neon colour scheme in order to attract the kids to read the comic digital art. The objective of this Comic Digital Art with GIF is to carry out the awareness of fake news issue and provide few guidelines to help them to avoid and protect themselves of getting involve in this issue. Hence, the comic digital art will be having a continuation of 4 series. The content about the 1st series is starting with a scenario, saying that kids are innocent not like adult who can recognise through fake messages and can be easily getting involve in this issue, then in the end will introduce the definition of the fake news. The 2nd series of Comic Digital Art is about the popular sign of fake news that kids should know; 3rd series is about the awareness of fake news such as the negative impact that will happen to kids and what does the senders trying to achieve from them throughout the process. In last, the content for the 4th series of the comic digital art is about the guidelines that kids should know to avoid and protect themselves from this fake news issue.
Furthermore, there are few SWOT analysis on the Comic Digital Art with GIF that we propose for this project. For the strength, through using the idea of presenting the content in Comic Digital Art with GIF, it will create an easier visual understanding for kids to understand everything about fake news. However, for the weakness, if the contents are only presented through images with less or without words as all, it’s quite difficult for kids to understand the important and detail explanation about fake news; but if adding too much words, it will be also hard to deliver the information and awareness about fake news to the kids below 7 years old because most of them don’t know how to read yet. Besides that, there are some opportunity given to the kids after reading the Comic Digital Art with GIF, which is they will be more knowledgeable and be aware of the fake news, and knowing how to protect themselves from this problem through the guideline provided. In contrast, for the treats, there are some limitation of promoting this proposal Comic Digital Art with GIF to the kids through social media in the current market, it’s hard to ensure that the 100% population of the kids will see this.
Last but not least, for the expected results of this proposal Comic Digital Art with GIF are, to able to deliver a clear explanation about what is fake news and create awareness to the kids below 12 to understand the danger and high possibility of getting involve in this issue; and to let the kids to understand the hidden deep meaning and allegory of each series of Comic Digital Art. In last, we will be using Instagram as part of social media platform to promote the campaign of our Comic Digital Art with GIF.